GoLocal. It's easy, time-saving, convenient and relevant for local residents & visitors. Simple, targeted & affordable for your business.
Our dashboard makes it easier than ever to create content.
Our advanced algorithms ensure you reach your target audience.
Track engagement through our easy to understand analytics.
At a cost of just over $1 a day, do we need to say more?
Offers can include an offer code or a bar code, and can be shared on social media.
Get the word out about your next event! You can create beautiful event pages in just minutes using our robust event builder.
Allow visitors to quickly view and engage with your business.
Your Lobby page displays:
Quickly and easily manage all of your content through your company dashboard.
From here you can manage:
For businesses that have one location.
For businesses that have between 2 and 9 locations.
For businesses that are part of a franchise or that have many locations.